Let’s Talk Community with Jorge Diaz
Are you tapping into the power of community? Why NOT? Let's Talk Community where Jorge and his guests discuss the communities they belong to and how they've tapped the power. Everyone has communities they belong to and we can easily tap into them to grow our business, advance our careers, make changes in our personal lives and, of course, in our relationships. Join us. You may learn something. "Let's Talk Community" is brought to you by www.CelebratingRelationships.com. Visit us for more resources like this for tapping into the power of community to build stronger relationships for your life and business.
15 episodes
#15 What Is a Mastermind and Why Should I Care…and You Should?
Masterminds are more like a real community than any else. A well-run mastermind provides you with a group of peers that take interest in you. If the mastermind involves your business, they can provide you with support, encouragement, advice and...

#14 How Do We Cope and Adjust When as Change Gets Thrust Upon Us?
Change is inevitable. It’s the only thing we can count on, yet many of us fight and refuse to accept it. Jorge and Gary Melling talk about change in both their personal and professional lives and polarized people can get moving into compe...

#13 Tight Knit Mastermind Communities Get You Priceless Business Feedback
A well-run mastermind group fosters transparent relationships between business owners. People who would otherwise not speak honestly to each other open up and willingly expose their vulnerabilities to each other. That provides the typically iso...

#12 How Do You Build Community at Home with Young Children?
Building a positive, nurturing home can be difficult given the day-to-day challenges we all face. Many parents, for different reasons, struggle to build what feels like a cohesive, positive community at home. This week Jorge talks with Sabrina ...

#11 How Do We Make People Feel Like They Really Belong?
In this episode, Jorge speaks with guest, Ricardo Gonzalez about belonging. Ricardo is the author of the soon to be released book, “To Belong or Not to Belong: Why People Want to Belong or Not.” Without belonging, people may technically be a pa...

#10 How Do You Recreate an In-Person Community Online?
Regardless of who we are or what we do, we belong to communities. We’re typically in community with others that share a common interest. Think music, church, flying planes, working out or kitting. We are in community, but may be fai...

#9 Community and Sandwich Generation Homes Part 2
This is a continuation of our previous episode where Jorge and his good friend and guest, Raul, discuss the legacy you leave behind to you children, their children and those farther down the chain. We all inherit a legacy. It’s the result of wh...

#8 Community and Sandwich Generation Homes Part 1
The family community comes with inter-generational dependencies that shift over time. Babies and toddlers depend completely on their parents. Teens depend less on their parents, then adult children become independent. On the other end, you have...

#7 Let’s Discuss the Power of Collaborating Competitors
You will often see competitors competing viscously for business working hard to keep others out. An alternative is to instead work side-by-side on projects collaborating with each other leveraging each other’s strengths. The learning potential ...

#6 Elon Musk's Telsa Community - Much More Than Selling Cars
Talk to any Telsa owner and you can expect much more than stories about their car. They'll share with you “an experience” that includes a connection with an enthusiastic community of devoted followers. This tight knit community comes with tons ...

#5 Jorge Answers, "Why Is Community So Important?" - Part 3
You can't really cover the topic of community without talking family. Everyone has one. Some families provide a supportive community. Other's very in how well they do that.In the episode, Jorge shares his family experience growing up in...

#4 Community Can Be That Secret Sauce for Business
In this episode, Jorge's guest is long time customer Megan McDonough. She is an expert in the field of positive psychology. She uses divergent thinking and creative perspectives to build organizations and networks that harness the best in peopl...

#3 Jorge Answers, "Why Is Community So Important?" - Part 2
Often in our careers, we find ourselves needing or wanting a change. We need to make more money. We develop a new skill we want to use in our work. We identify a job opportunity that we want to take on.In this episode, Jorge continues fr...

#2 Entrepreneurship Can Be a Lonely Business
This week Jorge and his guest, Mark Jamnick, discuss the community that brought them together and how it has supported them in their businesses. Running a business can be grueling and it can easily leads to isolation and loneliness. You get so ...
Season 1
Episode 2

#1 Jorge Answers, "Why Is Community So Important?" - Part 1
In the first episode, the "Let's Talk Community" maiden voyage, Jorge tackles the question, “Why is community so important?” He comes clean about his tendency to isolate, especially when he’s under stress, and tells us about his experienc...
Season 1
Episode 1