Let’s Talk Community with Jorge Diaz
Are you tapping into the power of community? Why NOT? Let's Talk Community where Jorge and his guests discuss the communities they belong to and how they've tapped the power. Everyone has communities they belong to and we can easily tap into them to grow our business, advance our careers, make changes in our personal lives and, of course, in our relationships. Join us. You may learn something. "Let's Talk Community" is brought to you by www.CelebratingRelationships.com. Visit us for more resources like this for tapping into the power of community to build stronger relationships for your life and business.
Let’s Talk Community with Jorge Diaz
#10 How Do You Recreate an In-Person Community Online?
Jorge Diaz
Regardless of who we are or what we do, we belong to communities. We’re typically in community with others that share a common interest. Think music, church, flying planes, working out or kitting. We are in community, but may be failing to tap into all it can offer.
This week Jorge talks with Finn McKenty. He's the Director of Operations at URM Academy teaching people how to record and mix music. You’ll hear about his success starting with, “We have successfully recreated the same kind of community that exists in person online, which isn’t easy to do.” It isn’t easy. It’s an effort to mimic what works in person using the equivalent via online tools.